September 14, 2009

"Why aren't there any normal Mexicans?"

"Because all our ancestors spiked our blood lines with tequila."

So I had the best dream ever concerning my future husband David Henrie(See below.) It is way to long to explain when I'm this hyped up, so ask me about it later.(:

And it's hard to contain the teenage hormones with this next one!

He's just sooo pretty/

Anywho, have I mentioneed I hate accounting? Cause I do, with a firey passion! And college Algebrqa, I never do my homework and bomb the quizzes. Although I can't to write my College English essay! I love english, haha. And I'm going to the weight room today! Yayyyy!(:

Okay so now its after school, heh heh. I spent the entire afternoon jamming out and cleaning. I love when I get in those moods.(: I feel productive. And I finally made my dad fix my playstaion so I can start using my work out videos again, and not to mention to start getting thin like I was before school started! I will be skinny! Hahaa.

It's actually not that I'm fat or anything, I can just stand to lose some weight, alot of weight. And speaking of that, my parents apparently think I'm anorexic. My parents ask me 20 questions whenever I don't eat when I'm not hungry and my mother keeps telling me why its important to eat.

"I'm not hungry, I don't think I'm gonna eat lunch."

"You need to eat, the whole not eating thing just makes you bigger because the body stores fat, trust me I tried that when I was your age in highschool."

Um, okayy? But trust my parents have also been the first to tell me whenever I gain weight.

Anyways I keep forgeting to call my oral surgeon. I'm supposed to have surgery on homecoming, and I'm gonna be ALL KINDS uh drugged up! So this is not gonna happen, there is no way I'm missing my senior homecoming. Oh and:

I get my license in 8 days!

That is, if I find my packet! I can't believe I lost it. I've checked everywhere. I told my parents I found it so they'd chil but I think they secretly took it because I searched the whole house and can't seem to find it! ):

Well I'm off I gotta get started on my essay for english!(:



Anonymous said...

what would you do is Mr. Henrie saw this?

Anonymous said...
